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Policies / Procedures / Constitution
Type of organisation
1 The organisation will, upon registration, be a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO).
Scottish principal office
2 The principal office of the organisation will be in Scotland (and must remain in Scotland).
3 The name of the organisation is “Sapphire Gymnastics Academy”.(SCIO)
4 The organisation’s purposes is :
The organisation is established for charitable purposes only, and in particular, the objects are ; To advance public participation in sport, and in particular the promotion of excellence in gymnastics either for recreational or competitive purposes.
5 The organisation has power to do anything which is calculated to further its purposes or is conducive or incidental to doing so.
6 No part of the income or property of the organisation may be paid or transferred (directly or indirectly) to the members - either in the course of the organisation’s existence or on dissolution - except where this is done in direct furtherance of the organisation’s charitable purposes.
Liability of members
7 The members of the organisation have no liability to pay any sums to help to meet the debts (or other liabilities) of the organisation if it is wound up; accordingly, if the organisation is unable to meet its debts, the members will not be held responsible.
8 The members and charity trustees have certain legal duties under the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005; and clause 7 does not exclude (or limit) any personal liabilities they might incur if they are in breach of those duties or in breach of other legal obligations or duties that apply to them personally.
General structure
9 The structure of the organisation consists of:-
the MEMBERS - who have the right to attend members' meetings (including any annual general meeting) and have important powers under the constitution; in particular, the members appoint people to serve on the board and take decisions on changes to the constitution itself;
the BOARD - who hold regular meetings, and generally control the activities of the organisation; for example, the board is responsible for monitoring and controlling the financial position of the organisation.
10 The people serving on the board are referred to in this constitution as CHARITY TRUSTEES.
Qualifications for membership
11 Membership is open to any individual aged 16 or over.
12 Employees of the organisation are not eligible for membership.
Application for membership
13 Any person who wishes to become a member must sign a written application for membership; the application will then be considered by the board at its next board meeting.
14 The board may, at its discretion, refuse to admit any person to membership.
15 The board must notify each applicant promptly (in writing or by e-mail) of its decision on whether or not to admit him/her to membership.
Membership subscription
16 No membership subscription will be payable.
Register of members
17 The board must keep a register of members, setting out
for each current member:
his/her full name and address; and
the date on which he/she was registered as a member of the organisation;
for each former member - for at least six years from the date on he/she ceased to be a member:
his/her name; and
the date on which he/she ceased to be a member.
18 The board must ensure that the register of members is updated within 28 days of any change:
which arises from a resolution of the board or a resolution passed by the members of the organisation; or
which is notified to the organisation.
19 If a member or charity trustee of the organisation requests a copy of the register of members, the board must ensure that a copy is supplied to him/her within 28 days, providing the request is reasonable; if the request is made by a member (rather than a charity trustee), the board may provide a copy which has the addresses blanked out.
Withdrawal from membership
20 Any person who wants to withdraw from membership must give a written notice of withdrawal to the organisation, signed by him/her; he/she will cease to be a member as from the time when the notice is received by the organisation.
Transfer of membership
21 Membership of the organisation may not be transferred by a member.
Re-registration of members
22 The board may, at any time, issue notices to the members requiring them to confirm that they wish to remain as members of the organisation, and allowing them a period of 28 days (running from the date of issue of the notice) to provide that confirmation to the board.
23 If a member fails to provide confirmation to the board (in writing or by e-mail) that he/she wishes to remain as a member of the organisation before the expiry of the 28-day period referred to in clause 22, the board may expel him/her from membership.
24 A notice under clause 22 will not be valid unless it refers specifically to the consequences (under clause 23) of failing to provide confirmation within the 28-day period.
Expulsion from membership
25 Any person may be expelled from membership by way of a resolution passed by not less than two thirds of those present and voting at a members' meeting, providing the following procedures have been observed:-
at least 21 days’ notice of the intention to propose the resolution must be given to the member concerned, specifying the grounds for the proposed expulsion;
the member concerned will be entitled to be heard on the resolution at the members' meeting at which the resolution is proposed.
Members’ meetings
26 The board must arrange a meeting of members (an annual general meeting or "AGM") in each calendar year.
27 The gap between one AGM and the next must not be longer than 16 months.
28 Notwithstanding clause 26, an AGM does not need to be held during the calendar year in which the organisation is formed; but the first AGM must still be held within 16 months of the date on which the organisation is formed.
29 The business of each AGM must include:-
a report by the chair on the activities of the organisation;
consideration of the annual accounts of the organisation;
the election/re-election of charity trustees, as referred to in clauses 58 to 61.
30 The board may arrange a special members' meeting at any time.
Power to request the board to arrange a special members’ meeting
31 The board must arrange a special members’ meeting if they are requested to do so by a notice (which may take the form of two or more documents in the same terms, each signed by one or more members) by members who amount to 5% or more of the total membership of the organisation at the time, providing:
the notice states the purposes for which the meeting is to be held; and
those purposes are not inconsistent with the terms of this constitution, the Charities and Trustee (Investment) Scotland Act 2005 or any other statutory provision.
32 If the board receive a notice under clause 31, the date for the meeting which they arrange in accordance with the notice must not be later than 28 days from the date on which they received the notice.
Notice of members’ meetings
33 At least 14 clear days’ notice must be given of any AGM or any special members' meeting.
34 The notice calling a members' meeting must specify in general terms what business is to be dealt with at the meeting; and
in the case of a resolution to alter the constitution, must set out the exact terms of the proposed alteration(s); or
in the case of any other resolution falling within clause 45 (requirement for two-thirds majority) must set out the exact terms of the resolution.
35 The reference to “clear days” in clause 33 shall be taken to mean that, in calculating the period of notice,
the day after the notices are posted (or sent by e-mail) should be excluded; and
the day of the meeting itself should also be excluded.
36 Notice of every members' meeting must be given to all the members of the organisation, and to all the charity trustees; but the accidental omission to give notice to one or more members will not invalidate the proceedings at the meeting.
37 Any notice which requires to be given to a member under this constitution must be: -
sent by post to the member, at the address last notified by him/her to the organisation; or
sent by e-mail to the member, at the e-mail address last notified by him/her to the organisation.
Procedure at members’ meetings
38 No valid decisions can be taken at any members' meeting unless a quorum is present.
39 The quorum for a members' meeting is [ 4 ] members, present in person.
40 If a quorum is not present within 15 minutes after the time at which a members' meeting was due to start - or if a quorum ceases to be present during a members' meeting - the meeting cannot proceed; and fresh notices of meeting will require to be sent out, to deal with the business (or remaining business) which was intended to be conducted.
41 The chair of the organisation should act as chairperson of each members' meeting.
42 If the chair of the organisation is not present within 15 minutes after the time at which the meeting was due to start (or is not willing to act as chairperson), the charity trustees present at the meeting must elect (from among themselves) the person who will act as chairperson of that meeting.
Voting at members’ meetings
43 Every member has one vote, which must be given personally.
44 All decisions at members' meetings will be made by majority vote - with the exception of the types of resolution listed in clause 45.
45 The following resolutions will be valid only if passed by not less than two thirds of those voting on the resolution at a members’ meeting (or if passed by way of a written resolution under clause 49):
a resolution amending the constitution;
a resolution expelling a person from membership under article 25;
a resolution directing the board to take any particular step (or directing the board not to take any particular step);
a resolution approving the amalgamation of the organisation with another SCIO (or approving the constitution of the new SCIO to be constituted as the successor pursuant to that amalgamation);
a resolution to the effect that all of the organisation’s property, rights and liabilities should be transferred to another SCIO (or agreeing to the transfer from another SCIO of all of its property, rights and liabilities);
a resolution for the winding up or dissolution of the organisation.
46 If there is an equal number of votes for and against any resolution, the chairperson of the meeting will be entitled to a second (casting) vote.
47 A resolution put to the vote at a members' meeting will be decided on a show of hands - unless the chairperson (or at least two other members present at the meeting) ask for a secret ballot.
48 The chairperson will decide how any secret ballot is to be conducted, and he/she will declare the result of the ballot at the meeting.
Written resolutions by members
49 A resolution agreed to in writing (or by e-mail) by all the members will be as valid as if it had been passed at a members’ meeting; the date of the resolution will be taken to be the date on which the last member agreed to it.
50 The board must ensure that proper minutes are kept in relation to all members' meetings.
51 Minutes of members' meetings must include the names of those present; and (so far as possible) should be signed by the chairperson of the meeting.
52 [The board shall make available copies of the minutes referred to in clause 50 to any member of the public requesting them; but on the basis that the board may exclude confidential material to the extent permitted under clause 96.]
Number of charity trustees
53 The maximum number of charity trustees is [ 6 ]
54 The minimum number of charity trustees is [ 4 ]
55 A person will not be eligible for election or appointment to the board unless he/she is a member of the organisation.
56 A person will not be eligible for election or appointment to the board if he/she is: -
disqualified from being a charity trustee under the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005; or
an employee of the organisation.
Initial charity trustees
57 The individuals who signed the charity trustee declaration forms which accompanied the application for incorporation of the organisation shall be deemed to have been appointed by the members as charity trustees with effect from the date of incorporation of the organisation.
Election, retiral, re-election
58 At each AGM, the members may elect any member (unless he/she is debarred from membership under clause 55) to be a charity trustee.
59 The board may at any time appoint any member (unless he/she is debarred from membership under clause 55) to be a charity trustee.
60 At each AGM, all of the charity trustees must retire from office - but may then be re-elected under clause 58.
61 A charity trustee retiring at an AGM will be deemed to have been re-elected unless: -
he/she advises the board prior to the conclusion of the AGM that he/she does not wish to be re-appointed as a charity trustee; or
an election process was held at the AGM and he/she was not among those elected/re-elected through that process; or
a resolution for the re-election of that charity trustee was put to the AGM and was not carried.
Termination of office
62 A charity trustee will automatically cease to hold office if: -
he/she becomes disqualified from being a charity trustee under the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005;
he/she becomes incapable for medical reasons of carrying out his/her duties as a charity trustee - but only if that has continued (or is expected to continue) for a period of more than six months;
he/she ceases to be a member of the organisation;
he/she becomes an employee of the organisation;
he/she gives the organisation a notice of resignation, signed by him/her;
he/she is absent (without good reason, in the opinion of the board) from more than three consecutive meetings of the board - but only if the board resolves to remove him/her from office;
he/she is removed from office by resolution of the board on the grounds that he/she is considered to have committed a material breach of the code of conduct for charity trustees (as referred to in clause 79);
he/she is removed from office by resolution of the board on the grounds that he/she is considered to have been in serious or persistent breach of his/her duties under section 66(1) or (2) of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005; or
he/she is removed from office by a resolution of the members passed at a members’ meeting.
63 A resolution under paragraph 62.7, 62.8 or 62.9 shall be valid only if: -
the charity trustee who is the subject of the resolution is given reasonable prior written notice of the grounds upon which the resolution for his/her removal is to be proposed;
the charity trustee concerned is given the opportunity to address the meeting at which the resolution is proposed, prior to the resolution being put to the vote; and
(in the case of a resolution under paragraph 62.7 or 62.8) at least two thirds (to the nearest round number) of the charity trustees then in office vote in favour of the resolution.
Register of charity trustees
64 The board must keep a register of charity trustees, setting out
for each current charity trustee:
his/her full name and address;
the date on which he/she was appointed as a charity trustee; and
any office held by him/her in the organisation;
for each former charity trustee - for at least 6 years from the date on which he/she ceased to be a charity trustee:
the name of the charity trustee;
any office held by him/her in the organisation; and
the date on which he/she ceased to be a charity trustee.
65 The board must ensure that the register of charity trustees is updated within 28 days of any change:
which arises from a resolution of the board or a resolution passed by the members of the organisation; or
which is notified to the organisation.
66 If any person requests a copy of the register of charity trustees, the board must ensure that a copy is supplied to him/her within 28 days, providing the request is reasonable; if the request is made by a person who is not a charity trustee of the organisation, the board may provide a copy which has the addresses blanked out - if the SCIO is satisfied that including that information is likely to jeopardise the safety or security of any person or premises.
67 The charity trustees must elect (from among themselves) a chair, a treasurer and a secretary.
68 In addition to the office-bearers required under clause 67, the charity trustees may elect (from among themselves) further office-bearers if they consider that appropriate.
69 All of the office-bearers will cease to hold office at the conclusion of each AGM, but may then be re-elected under clause 67 or 68.
70 A person elected to any office will automatically cease to hold that office: -
if he/she ceases to be a charity trustee; or
if he/she gives to the organisation a notice of resignation from that office, signed by him/her.
Powers of board
71 Except where this constitution states otherwise, the organisation (and its assets and operations) will be managed by the board; and the board may exercise all the powers of the organisation.
72 A meeting of the board at which a quorum is present may exercise all powers exercisable by the board.
73 The members may, by way of a resolution passed in compliance with clause 45 (requirement for two-thirds majority), direct the board to take any particular step or direct the board not to take any particular step; and the board shall give effect to any such direction accordingly.
Charity trustees - general duties
74 Each of the charity trustees has a duty, in exercising functions as a charity trustee, to act in the interests of the organisation; and, in particular, must:-
seek, in good faith, to ensure that the organisation acts in a manner which is in accordance with its purposes;
act with the care and diligence which it is reasonable to expect of a person who is managing the affairs of another person;
in circumstances giving rise to the possibility of a conflict of interest between the organisation and any other party:
put the interests of the organisation before that of the other party;
where any other duty prevents him/her from doing so, disclose the conflicting interest to the organisation and refrain from participating in any deliberation or decision of the other charity trustees with regard to the matter in question;
ensure that the organisation complies with any direction, requirement, notice or duty imposed under or by virtue of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005.
75 In addition to the duties outlined in clause 74, all of the charity trustees must take such steps as are reasonably practicable for the purpose of ensuring: -
that any breach of any of those duties by a charity trustee is corrected by the charity trustee concerned and not repeated; and
that any trustee who has been in serious and persistent breach of those duties is removed as a trustee.
76 Provided he/she has declared his/her interest - and has not voted on the question of whether or not the organisation should enter into the arrangement - a charity trustee will not be debarred from entering into an arrangement with the organisation in which he/she has a personal interest; and (subject to clause 77 and to the provisions relating to remuneration for services contained in the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005), he/she may retain any personal benefit which arises from that arrangement.
77 No charity trustee may serve as an employee (full time or part time) of the organisation; and no charity trustee may be given any remuneration by the organisation for carrying out his/her duties as a charity trustee.
78 The charity trustees may be paid all travelling and other expenses reasonably incurred by them in connection with carrying out their duties; this may include expenses relating to their attendance at meetings.
Code of conduct for charity trustees
79 Each of the charity trustees shall comply with the code of conduct (incorporating detailed rules on conflict of interest) prescribed by the board from time to time.
80 The code of conduct referred to in clause 79 shall be supplemental to the provisions relating to the conduct of charity trustees contained in this constitution and the duties imposed on charity trustees under the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005; and all relevant provisions of this constitution shall be interpreted and applied in accordance with the provisions of the code of conduct in force from time to time
Notice of board meetings
81 Any charity trustee may call a meeting of the board or ask the secretary to call a meeting of the board.
82 At least 7 days' notice must be given of each board meeting, unless (in the opinion of the person calling the meeting) there is a degree of urgency which makes that inappropriate.
Procedure at board meetings
83 No valid decisions can be taken at a board meeting unless a quorum is present; the quorum for board meetings is [ 4 ] charity trustees, present in person.
84 If at any time the number of charity trustees in office falls below the number stated as the quorum in clause 83, the remaining charity trustee(s) will have power to fill the vacancies or call a members' meeting - but will not be able to take any other valid decisions.
85 The chair of the organisation should act as chairperson of each board meeting.
86 If the chair is not present within 15 minutes after the time at which the meeting was due to start (or is not willing to act as chairperson), the charity trustees present at the meeting must elect (from among themselves) the person who will act as chairperson of that meeting.
87 Every charity trustee has one vote, which must be given personally.
88 All decisions at board meetings will be made by majority vote.
89 If there is an equal number of votes for and against any resolution, the chairperson of the meeting will be entitled to a second (casting) vote.
90 The board may, at its discretion, allow any person to attend and speak at a board meeting notwithstanding that he/she is not a charity trustee - but on the basis that he/she must not participate in decision-making.
91 A charity trustee must not vote at a board meeting (or at a meeting of a sub-committee) on any resolution which relates to a matter in which he/she has a personal interest or duty which conflicts (or may conflict) with the interests of the organisation; he/she must withdraw from the meeting while an item of that nature is being dealt with.
92 For the purposes of clause 91: -
an interest held by an individual who is “connected” with the charity trustee under section 68(2) of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 (husband/wife, partner, child, parent, brother/sister etc) shall be deemed to be held by that charity trustee;
a charity trustee will be deemed to have a personal interest in relation to a particular matter if a body in relation to which he/she is an employee, director, member of the management committee, officer or elected representative has an interest in that matter.
93 The board must ensure that proper minutes are kept in relation to all board meetings and meetings of sub-committees.
94 The minutes to be kept under clause 93 must include the names of those present; and (so far as possible) should be signed by the chairperson of the meeting.
95 [The board shall (subject to clause 96) make available copies of the minutes referred to in clause 93 to any member of the public requesting them.]
96 [The board may exclude from any copy minutes made available to a member of the public under clause 95 any material which the board considers ought properly to be kept confidential - on the grounds that allowing access to such material could cause significant prejudice to the interests of the organisation or on the basis that the material contains reference to employee or other matters which it would be inappropriate to divulge.
Delegation to sub-committees
97 The board may delegate any of their powers to sub-committees; a sub-committee must include at least one charity trustee, but other members of a sub-committee need not be charity trustees.
98 The board may also delegate to the chair of the organisation (or the holder of any other post) such of their powers as they may consider appropriate.
99 When delegating powers under clause 97 or 98, the board must set out appropriate conditions (which must include an obligation to report regularly to the board).
100 Any delegation of powers under clause 97 or 98 may be revoked or altered by the board at any time.
101 The rules of procedure for each sub-committee, and the provisions relating to membership of each sub-committee, shall be set by the board.
Operation of accounts
102 Subject to clause 103, the signatures of two out of three signatories appointed by the board will be required in relation to all operations (other than the lodging of funds) on the bank and building society accounts held by the organisation; at least one out of the two signatures must be the signature of a charity trustee.
103 Where the organisation uses electronic facilities for the operation of any bank or building society account, the authorisations required for operations on that account must be consistent with the approach reflected in clause 102.
Accounting records and annual accounts
104 The board must ensure that proper accounting records are kept, in accordance with all applicable statutory requirements.
105 The board must prepare annual accounts, complying with all relevant statutory requirements; if an audit is required under any statutory provisions (or if the board consider that an audit would be appropriate for some other reason), the board should ensure that an audit of the accounts is carried out by a qualified auditor.
106 If the organisation is to be wound up or dissolved, the winding-up or dissolution process will be carried out in accordance with the procedures set out under the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005.
107 Any surplus assets available to the organisation immediately preceding its winding up or dissolution must be used for purposes which are the same as - or which closely resemble - the purposes of the organisation as set out in this constitution.
Alterations to the constitution
108 This constitution may (subject to clause 109) be altered by resolution of the members passed at a members’ meeting (subject to achieving the two thirds majority referred to in clause 45) or by way of a written resolution of the members.
109 The Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 prohibits taking certain steps (eg change of name, an alteration to the purposes, amalgamation, winding-up) without the consent of the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).
110 References in this constitution to the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 should be taken to include: -
any statutory provision which adds to, modifies or replaces that Act; and
any statutory instrument issued in pursuance of that Act or in pursuance of any statutory provision falling under paragraph 110.1 above.
111 In this constitution: -
“charity” means a body which is either a “Scottish charity” within the meaning of section 13 of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 or a “charity” within the meaning of section 1 of the Charities Act 2006, providing (in either case) that its objects are limited to charitable purposes;
“charitable purpose” means a charitable purpose under section 7 of the Charities and Trustee Investment (Scotland) Act 2005 which is also regarded as a charitable purpose in relation to the application of the Taxes Acts.
General Gymnastics - Acrobatics - Trampolining – Tumbling – Display - Pre-School -DMT
· Grassroots Gymnastics our most important goal
· Affordable Prices for all
· Coach, Judge, Teacher and Volunteer education
· An excellent Insurance & Personal Accident Insurance Scheme
· Cost effective services and support
. An organisation who really cares for you the customer, to allow your child to be the , best they can be
· Sapphire Gymnastics Academy is "Proud To Be Different"
Gymnastics is a very enjoyable sport that is practiced by all ability participants and ethnic communities across the United Kingdom. Gymnastics can be enjoyed by everyone and it is a great way to keep your body healthy. Gymnastics has been practiced for thousands of years back to ancient times and has been part of the Olympics for over 120 years.
Where every Child Matters, Sapphire Gymnastics is Proud To Be Different by providing a first class service to it's member’s clubs. Sapphire Gymnastics will ensure that every child that wishes to participate in gymnastics can reach their own individual potential, whether it be for competitive or for recreational. We want all our gymnasts “to be the best that they can be”.
We view health and safety as a positive, pro-active culture that is based on shared values, knowledge and engagement.
This booklet has been written to provide guidance and support for our gymnasts, coaches, parents and volunteers in our organisation and to provide knowledge and understanding of our health and safety culture. The title of raising the bar is our intention to raise the bar of health and safety standards within gymnastics.
Sapphire Gymnastics believes that excellence in the management of health and safety is an essential element within its overall business plan – a good health and safety record goes hand in hand with high productivity and quality standards.
We are totally committed to ensuring health, safety and welfare at all times. From an economic point of view, the organisation believes that prevention is not only better, but also cheaper than cure. There is no necessary conflict between humanitarian and commercial consideration. Profits and safety are not in competition. On the contrary, safety is good business.
The organisation is committed to ensuring that it complies with all relevant health and safety legislation. Where it is reasonably practicable to do so, the company will strive to go beyond the requirements of legislation.
The organisation is committed to ongoing monitoring and review processes, so that continual improvement in the management of health and safety can be achieved. Our general intentions are:-
To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety;
To provide and maintain safe equipment;
To provide information, instruction and supervision for employees;
To ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training; To prevent accidents.
To maintain safe and healthy working conditions; and
To review and revise this policy at regular intervals.
Our commitment is implemented through this Policy statement for health and safety, and will be underpinned by a set of supporting occupational health and safety policies and operational procedures to be published throughout the organisation. These will be monitored to ensure their effectiveness and updated regularly.
This policy sets out the roles and responsibilities of our Employees. It is aimed to ensure the requirements of the of our Health and Safety Policy is fulfilled and achieved.
Senior Management / Directors
Senior Management and Directors have responsibility for matters concerning health and safety within their respective management teams and areas of operation. The health and safety responsibilities of Senior Management and Directors extend to:
Ensuring the Health and Safety Policy is publicised and objectives effectively implemented in their
Respective areas of operation by providing adequate resources to achieve this;
Demonstrating leadership in health and safety to foster a positive health and safety culture;
Recognising their role to engage the active participation of colleagues in improving standards of health and safety in the workplace via the correct assignment and communication of health and safety
Responsibilities through the lines of management; including health and safety into decision making processes using competent advice;
All Managers/Supervisors in general have a responsibility to ensure that the Health and Safety Policy is implemented in the areas under their control, as well as the day-to-day overseeing of safe operations as part of their normal managerial functions. The health and safety responsibilities of Managers/Supervisors
Encouraging consultation with employees (particularly in regard to risk assessments, the introduction of new working methods, equipment or technology);
Making themselves reasonably available to receive and discuss health and safety queries raised by employees, and tabling safety at routine meetings;
Ensuring the development and maintenance of a General Risk Assessment for health and safety risks in the functions and areas under their control;
Recording the significant findings of the General Risk Assessment, and communicating those findings to relevant people;
The establishment of safe systems of work in order to eliminate or minimise risks, and making these systems and information about any risks known
Ensuring that all their employees receive adequate information, instruction and training to enable them to work safely and understand the risks;
Ensuring good standards of housekeeping and cleanliness are maintained in areas under their control, including clear walkways and fire exits and escape routes;
All Employees
In our work, all employees have a duty to take reasonable care for their health and safety and that of others. In particular, all employees must:
Understand the Health & Safety Policy as it affects them, and co-operate in complying with our legal duties;
Co-operate with management to ensure that safe and healthy working practices and workplace are maintained;
Contribute to a positive safety culture by acting responsibly at all times – and not actively or tacitly condone unsafe behaviour;
Report promptly to their manager any accident / near miss / aches and pains or illness apparently due to work, or any safety defect they have noticed;
Be familiar with the findings of the risk assessments for their work and adhere to the identified control measures;
Tell their manager if they recognise a significant change to an activity, or notice a significant risk that is not being addressed in their workplace;
Coach / Instructor’s Responsibilities
The coach / instructor has a responsibility for their own health and safety and that of gymnasts and gymnasts, it is important that the requirements are communicated and enforced.
To teach safe and effective exercise. To provide a high standard of gymnasts induction, exercise instruction and supervision consistent with customer satisfaction
Maintain a high profile instructor presence ensuring availability to assist gymnastic activities as required.
Ensure gymnasts are fit to participate and are from injuries and illness.
Ensure gymnasts are suitable attired for the activities, including clothing and footwear.
Check that jewellery and watches etc have been removed.
Check that hair is tied back and grooming is appropriate, such as nails are trimmed.
Ensure suitable space planning for activities, arrange for the safe transportation and erection of equipment.
Ensure all equipment is checked and in good condition prior to use.
Ensure suitable rest is allowed following a maximum of 1 – 1 1⁄2 minutes
Only teach new skills after assessing the readiness of the pupil by observing ability, confidence, and background experience.
Gymnast Responsibilities
The gymnast has a responsibility for their own health and safety and it is important that the requirements are communicated and enforced.
Personal responsibility:
Gymnast should wear a garment that is fairly light in weight and allows for complete freedom of movement without being too loose.
All jewellery should be removed prior to participating in any activity.
When glasses are worn, ensure they are securely fastened around the head.
Grooming is important, ensuring nails are kept short enough to prevent interference with gripping or footing, as well as self-inflicted injuries.
Hair should be securely tied to prevent entanglement and to prevent obscuring sight when engage within an activity.
Chalk often used to absorb perspiration and can assist with preventing blisters by reducing the friction between the ands and apparatus. Chalk should be kept to a suitable amount. Too much chalk can caused irritation to the hands and may even cause excess powder to get into the gymnasts, or their spotter’s eye. Gymnasts should never engage in activity without supervision.
Personal limitations may involve skill, experience, illness, injury, and other factors. Gymnasts should not pursue skills or activities that exceed their current abilities.
Gymnasts who are ill, fatigued, or otherwise unable to concentrate invite injury. Gymnasts should report to the coach anything that will compromise their ability to perform.
Gymnasts taking medication should obtain clearance from a physician that indicates that the medication will not interfere with gymnastics activity.
Duty Of Care
Health and safety is important to all clubs and organizations. Clubs have a legal obligation towards the health and safety of employees, volunteers, gymnasts, visitors and contractors - a duty of care is a general legal duty on all individuals and gymnast/sports clubs to avoid carelessly causing injury to people. As a start, the club needs to show that it is committed to protecting its members and volunteers against the risk of harm or injury by managing health and safety effective. This can be demonstrated by a health and safety policy (if you have more than 5 employees) and suitable risk assessment practices.
Each club’s policy and risk assessments will differ depending on the sport/activity, the type of club premises, if the club owns or hires its facilities, if it has paid employees, junior members or participants with special needs etc.
It is important to consult with employees and club members so that as many people as possible understand the policy and assessments, and then they will be more likely to put it into practice and follow the regulations.
To protect the club, and to make sure that you monitor and learn from accidents and injuries, you should keep an Incident/Accident report to record any accidents, injuries and incidents that have affected club members/visitors, whether on or off the premises. There are further guidelines within this document for dealing with an incident/accident.
It is good practice for at least 1 qualified first aider to be available at all club training sessions and events. Clubs should encourage members, coaches and/or volunteers to attend a first aid training course so that they can respond to basic first aid situations with confidence.
Duty of Care – Children / Young Persons
It is widely accepted that in relation to children and young people sports organisations have a duty of care. The purpose of this document is to clarify what that duty entails and to provide some guidance as to what steps can be taken in order to demonstrate that this duty is being met.
There is no general duty of care upon members of the public towards the public at large. If there is a formal relationship, however, for example between a club and a club member, or a coach and an athlete, there is a duty of care. When children and young people are involved in organised sports activities and are to any extent under the care and/or control of one or more adults, the adult(s) have a duty to take reasonable care to ensure their safety and welfare.
It is every club’s duty to consider the way in which it carries out its activities and to take all reasonable steps to make sure that participants, visitors and volunteers can enjoy the sport/activity provided by the club in a safe environment. This is particularly true when considering young people and vulnerable groups.
It is vital the club has the correct procedures in place to protect the junior and vulnerable members and also to protect the coaches and volunteers. The club needs to make sure that the policies and procedures which are in place are specific to the type of sport/activity and to the club.
In many sports activities, given the health and safety considerations, it is recognised that a sports organisation or individual (e.g. coach) owes a duty of care to its members. However, it is also understood and recognised that accidents can and do happen, and that it is not possible to predict every eventuality. Liability for the legal duty of care would only arise when an incident occurs and it can be demonstrated that the risk was foreseeable but no action had been taken to remedy it.
Those responsible for the management or supervision of children and young people in a club setting should consider what steps they may need to take in order to demonstrate the reasonable standard of care. Examples of this could include:
• Keeping up to date registers of attendance.
• Keeping up to date records of contact details.
• Maintaining appropriate supervision ratios.
• Maintaining up to date information on specific medical conditions – allergies, asthma, epilepsy.
• Ensuring that first aid provision is available at the venue.
• Ensuring those responsible for supervising the children and young people have been subject to appropriate recruitment and selection processes.
The Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999 require that employers must make risk assessments and specify controls to reduce the risks of their activities. Those responsible for sports activities should consider themselves in a similar position to an employer and carry out a risk assessment for their activities. When carrying out risk assessments, it is vital to attend to the requirements relating to the duty of care and the other aspects of health and safety.
Hired Facilities
Any clubs that hire facilities or lease their facilities have a duty of care. In all cases you must work with interested parties to ensure the facilities and equipment is safe.
Insurance is an essential responsibility for every club. It is very important to make sure that you have adequate cover to protect the activities that your club delivers.
Scottish and British Gymnasts provide members with insurance cover for all registered members and clubs are provided with cover that pays legal costs and damages in respect of claims against the insured while involved in gymnastics activity in an environment that is under the control or influence Sapphire Gymnasts.
To ensure everyone has a positive experience, coaches are required to complete an assessment for disabled gymnasts to understand the risk to the individual and determine the ratio of supervision required.
Heat Injury
While heat injury is not a common problem in gymnastics, the gymnastics professional should be aware of the symptoms and circumstances. Moreover, heat injuries are preventable. The basic problem in heat stress is that the body is producing heat faster than it can be dissipated.
Heat Fatigue.
The signs and symptoms of heat fatigue include impaired performance of skilled sensorimotor, mental, or vigilance jobs. There is no treatment for heat fatigue except to remove the heat stress by resting the individual and allowing the body to cool.
Heat cramps.
Heat cramps involve involuntary muscle spasms. Usually, the spasms occur in the exercised muscles. Body temperature may not be elevated. Prevention of heat cramps is achieved by drinking large amounts of water and including a small amount of salt in the diet
Heat Exhaustion.
The signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion are headache, nausea, vertigo, weakness, thirst, and giddiness. Fortunately, heat exhaustion responds readily to prompt treatment. Individuals should be removed from the hot environment, rested and given fluids. They should also take adequate rest.
Heat Stroke. Occurs when the body's system of temperature regulation fails and body temperature rises to critical levels. This condition is caused by a combination of highly variable factors, and its occurrence is difficult to predict. Heat stroke is a medical emergency. The primary signs and symptoms are confusion; irrational behaviour; loss of consciousness; convulsions; lack of sweating (usually); hot, dry skin; and an abnormally high body temperature.
If an individual shows signs of possible heat stroke, professional medical treatment should be sought immediately. The individual should be placed in a cool area and clothing loosen. The individual’s skin should be wetted and air movement around the worker increased to improve evaporative cooling. Fluids should be replaced as soon as possible.
Head and Neck Injury.
Head and neck injuries are rare in gymnastics, but the potential dire consequences of head and neck injuries require special consideration. Gymnastics professionals should always take precautions to prevent head and neck injuries. When an athlete is suspected of having a head or neck injury, the gymnastics professional should assume a serious injury and engage the emergency medical response system.
Head Injury.
If an athlete suffers a blow to the head, the athlete should not be allowed to continue participation without medical assessment. Some head injuries appear deceptively mild.
An athlete who suffers a head injury should, therefore, be evaluated by a physician as soon as possible. If an athlete is rendered unconscious due to a head or neck injury, one should assume that a serious injury has occurred and the emergency medical system should be activated.
If the athlete is conscious following a head injury, the following symptoms usually indicate that the injury requires immediate medical attention:
· • Headache,
· • Confusion,
· • Amnesia,
· • Dizziness,
· • Nausea or vomiting,
· • Sleepiness,
· • Slurred speech Copyright of Phoenix Health ( v.2 )
The key to sports nutrition health is a well-balanced diet. Eating foods in their proper serving sizes from all five basic food groups is key. As an athlete you must maintain the proper balance of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and calories to optimize your performance abilities. Following these rules and getting plenty of practice will help athletes feel great and get winning scores!
What diet is best for athletes?
All athletes need a diet that provides enough energy in the form of carbohydrates and fats as well as essential protein, vitamins and minerals. This means a diet containing 55-60 percent of calories from carbohydrates (10 to 15 percent from sugars and the rest from starches), no more than 30 percent of calories from fat and the remaining (about 10-15 percent) from protein.
That translates into eating a variety of foods every day - grains, vegetables, fruits, beans, lean meats, and low fat dairy products. The base of the diet should come from carbohydrates. Fluids, especially water, are also important to the winning combination. Dehydration can stop even the finest athlete from playing his or her best game.
Proper hydration is especially important during exercise. Adequate fluid intake for athletes is essential to comfort, performance and safety. The longer and more intensely you exercise, the more important it is to drink the right kind of fluids. Drink plenty of fluids, but avoid high-calorie, sugary drinks. Energy drinks that contain caffeine should also be avoided.
Symptoms of Poor Nutrition and Guidelines for Eating
Poor nutrition in female athletes is often underlying symptoms such as fatigue, performance plateaus or decreases, burn-out, and repeated injuries.
When starches or sugars are eaten, the body changes them all to glucose, the only form of carbohydrate used directly by muscles for energy. Whether carbohydrates are in the form of starches (in vegetables and grains), sucrose (table sugar), fructose (found in fruits and juices) or lactose (milk sugar), carbohydrates are digested and ultimately changed to glucose.
The body uses this glucose in the blood for energy. Most glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles. During exercise glycogen is broken down in the muscles and provides energy. Usually there is enough glycogen in muscles to provide fuel for 90-120 minutes of exercise.
Most athletes need not be concerned with "carbohydrate loading," the special technique of eating a lot of carbohydrates for several days before an endurance event. Instead, focus on getting enough carbohydrates everyday. The best way to ensure plenty of energy for exercise is to eat a nutritious, balanced diet that is high in carbohydrates and low in fat with lots of different foods.
Proteins are often called the building blocks of the body. Protein consists of combinations of structures called amino acids that combine in various ways to make muscles, bone, tendons, skin, hair, and other tissues. They serve other functions as well including nutrient transportation and enzyme production. In fact, there are over 10,000 different proteins in the body.
Adequate, regular protein intake is essential because it isn’t easily stored by the body. Various foods supply protein in varying amounts with complete proteins (those containing 8 essential amino acids) coming mostly from animal products such as meat, fish, and eggs and incomplete protein (lacking one or more essential amino acid) coming from sources like vegetables, fruit and nuts.
Vegetarian athletes may have trouble getting adequate protein if they aren’t aware of how to combine foods. The average adult needs 0.8 grams per kilogram (2.2lbs) of body weight per day. Strength training athletes need about 1.4 to 1.8 grams per kilogram (2.2lbs) of body weight per day.
Endurance athletes need about 1.2 to 1.4 grams per kilogram (2.2lbs) of body weight per day.
Calcium is another nutrient that female athletes have higher needs for, but fall far short. Half of all runners and 40% of dancers and gymnasts don't get enough calcium. Stress fractures which can sideline a gymnast for the remainder of a season are the most tangible risk. Weight bearing sports, those that involve running or jumping, are at greatest risk.
Most average girls require 1200-1500 calories per day. Gymnasts, however, require more calories due to their increased activity. Extremely low fat diets have risks, even if the overall caloric intake is adequate.
These are generally considered to be diets that are less than 10% fat calories. Consequences of these include low energy and performance, and deficiencies of iron, zinc, magnesium, folate, vitamins E, B6, B12, C, and A.
Weight bearing activity, dietary calcium intake, menstrual status, and overall adequacy of the diet are all major factors determining bone mineral development in female athletes. Studies suggest that repeated high impact, weight-bearing activity, such as that seen in gymnastics, increases bone mineral development. As dietary calcium plays a crucial role in promoting optimal bone mineral development, dietary calcium intake should be assessed in athletes with low energy intakes. It is important, especially for female gymnasts, to consume calcium-rich foods at meals and snacks to meet their daily calcium needs.
Fluid Balance
Due to the short, explosive nature of exercise performed by gymnasts and the fact that gymnasts train and compete in indoor facilities, sweat losses tend to be small compared with those of other athletes. Despite lower sweat losses, it is still important for gymnasts to stop regularly during their long training sessions to replace lost fluid. Interestingly, it has been observed that some gymnasts concerned with their weight reduce their fluid intake in order to reduce body weight. For these athletes, it is crucial to point out that a decrease in weight as a result of sweating is purely a reflection of lost fluid, not a decrease in body fat stores.
What should an athlete eat before, during and after exercise?
The most important thing is to concentrate on eating a nutritious, balanced diet every day. Here are a few tips on eating before, during and after exercise.
Have some high carbohydrate foods like bananas, bagels or fruit juices. These foods are broken down quickly and provide glucose to the muscles. The timing of this meal depends on athletes' preference for eating before exercise, but researchers have found that eating something from 1 to 4 hours before exercise helps keep plenty of blood glucose available for working muscles. It is also critical to drink plenty of cool water before exercise to keep muscles hydrated.
Perspiration and exertion deplete the body of fluids necessary for an optimal performance and lead to dehydration. It is important to drink plenty of cool water, at least half a cup of water for every 20 minutes of exercise. Usually there is no need to worry about replacing carbohydrates, unless the exercise lasts over 90 minutes and is hard and continuous. When this happens, drinking a sports drink or other beverage with some sugar in it will fuel the muscles being exercised.
If the exercise was strenuous and lasted a long time, glycogen stores may need refuelling. Consuming foods and beverages high in carbohydrates right after exercise will replenish glycogen stores if they are low after exercising.
No matter the intensity of the exercise, it's important to drink plenty of water and eat a nutritious, balanced meal that has lots of carbohydrate rich foods such as grains, pastas, potatoes, vegetables and fruits.
The most important things to remember for good sports nutrition health are to eat a well-balanced diet regularly, not skip meals, and avoid stimulants like caffeine. A proper diet throughout the year will ensure that you are at your best each season and at every level you compete.
Nutrition Education
Sports dietitians can play a key role in educating gymnasts, parents and coaches regarding the unique nutritional requirements of junior and senior gymnasts. Nutrition lectures focusing on energy balance, calcium and iron requirements and balanced eating, along with practical sessions such as cooking classes and demonstrations, supermarket tours, and workshops on "better snacking" are useful in educating gymnasts, their parents and their coaches.
Eating Behaviours
Gymnastics is a sport where athletes are required to maintain a low body weight-to-height ratio if they wish to perform at a high level, particularly as they mature into late adolescence and reach their peak performance years. This fact alone, places these athletes at greater risk of developing an eating disorder than athletes involved in other sports. It is important to have a weight management plan involving the doctor, the sports dietitian, the coach and the gymnast to ensure that athletes develop normally during their adolescent years.
Eligibility for gymnastics participation is based on the idea of an “apparently healthy” athlete. An apparently healthy athlete is eligible for gymnastics activity. Pre-participation physicals for all gymnasts are considered unnecessary. However, caution dictates that children should have had a health-oriented physical within 1-3 years prior to their participation in gymnastics.
Stress is defined as a stimulus that causes a reaction. Pressure can be good and may help us perform better, or bad stress which may lead to a reduction of coordination, generalized muscle tension, reduction of flexibility, narrowing of the visual field (tunnel vision), inability to attend to critical aspects of performance, and increased emotionality.
An athlete’s response to stress results in deteriorating performance. Performance deterioration occurs when the athlete perceives that his/her ability to handle the demands of the situation are inadequate. Athletes with fewer coping skills (inability to control arousal, concentrate, and think clearly under stress) have been shown to be more injury prone. Evidence from “life stress events” leading up to competition has shown a moderate relationship between these life-stress events and injury
The ability to cope with stress (i.e., deal with stress more efficiently and effectively) involves emotional adjustments and social networks. Emotional adjustments to stress are often linked to personal resources such as arousal control, rest, and ability to concentrate. Studies have shown that coping skills are important to injury prevention. Social support appears to be very important in both alleviating the impact of daily hassles that may lead to injuries and helping an injured athlete return to form rapidly. Injury prone athletes have also been shown to lack a social support system during major life events
These days life is complex and demanding, and it is all too easy for things to get out of balance. If such imbalances are not corrected, it can have permanent damaging effects, which is why it pays to take preventive action. Another reason for taking action is that imbalance tends to feed on itself and grow, unless a deliberate effort is made to correct it. We all have areas in our lives that are important to us, and we need to devote time and energy to them all if we are to remain balanced, happy and healthy. A characteristic of resilient people is that they draw on all areas of life to achieve and maintain a satisfactory balance. They determine the life balance that is right for them and strive to continually implement it.
Effects of stress
When demands are made on us, the resulting stress produces a response which originates from a primitive “fight or flight” reflex which pumps adrenaline and hydrocortisone into our bodies. This can produce a number of physical (eg, the heart beats faster, hands feel sweaty) and psychological (eg, anxiety) effects as we switch on short-term energy reserves. Usually once the “danger” passes, our bodies adapt back to their normal state.
When does stress occur?
There are typically three ranges of stress: under stress (expressed by some as “I work better under pressure”), healthy stress (when we deliver our best work because we feel challenged by the demand and appropriately in control) and overstress (also known as distress, where we
‘Stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilise.’
So what are the signs?
Apart from the physical symptoms (eg, tension headaches, fidgeting, nervous twitching, exhaustion, loss of appetite, drinking or smoking more than usual), there are mental aspects too. Some of the signs are:
· Personality traits often intensify;
· Depression and withdrawal;
· Mood swings;
· Anger and irritability;
· Loss of confidence/interest in appearance;
· Repeated minor illnesses;
· Loss of sense of humour;
· Poor motivation and concentration.
The causes of stress can be any number of factors, eg, inadequate communication, ill health, organisational change, bereavement, change in personal circumstances; the list is endless and the “stressors” will vary for different people at different times. Long-term overstress (or under stress) can lead to physical and mental illness as well as lessened effectiveness in both your personal life and in the workplace. The body stops being able to revert back to normal. Instead there is a downward spiral of stress-related illness and emotional distress.
40% of people were worrying about things that subsequently never happened. Write a clear and accurate definition of the problem or problems that are worrying you. Once you have psychologically faced up to the possibility of the worst possible outcome, the worry loses a lot of its potency.
The more you feel in control of your life, the less stressed you feel. It is virtually impossible to feel stressed and in control at the same time. The trouble is that for the most part we cannot control what happens to us. The good news is that we can control how we respond to what happens to us, and this is enough for us to feel in control.
List all the things in your life or about yourself with which you are not satisfied. Then ask yourself, in all honesty, what lies at the root of these dissatisfactions? If you find yourself blaming others or making excuses, look again. Be ruthless: what is the real reason?
Exercise is the best stress reduction techniques available. In fact exercise is often referred to as nature’s antidepressant because when you exercise your body will experience a number of beneficial psychological and physical changes.
Is the gymnast in a suitable frame of mind to conduct activities:
Can the gymnast concentrate/focus enough to ensure that his/her attention is devoted to the task?
Can the gymnast control his/her emotions? While fear may be a natural consequence of performing a new or difficult skill, can the gymnast prevent being overwhelmed by fear?
Can the gymnast describe the skill in a meaningful way? Can the gymnast conjure a mental image of the skill?
Is the gymnast trustworthy when faced with a difficult situation?
Will the gymnast pursue the task to the end without hesitating or aborting unsafely in the middle?
Does the injured gymnast have a social support network that will come to his/her aid following an injury and during rehabilitation?
Code of Conduct for Coaches / Officials /Volunteers
The essence of good ethical conduct and practice is summarised below. All Club Coaches, Officials and Volunteers must:-
Consider the well being and safety of participants before the development of performance.
Develop an appropriate working relationship with performers based on mutual trust and respect.
Hold the appropriate, valid qualifications and insurance cover.
Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part and ensure all participants are suitably prepared physically and mentally when learning new skills.
Display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance, dressing suitably and not using inappropriate language at any time whilst involved with club activities.
Never consume alcohol immediately before or during training or events.
Obtain prior agreement from the parent/guardian of performers before transporting them anywhere
Never exert undue influence over performers to obtain personal benefit or reward.
Always report any incidents, referrals or disclosures immediately, following the appropriate guidelines set out in the Scottish Gymnastics Child Protection procedures.
Never condone rule violations or use of prohibited substances.
Make sure that confidential information is not divulged unless with the express approval of the individual concerned.
Promote the positive aspects of the sport (e.g. fair play).
Encourage performers to value their performances and not just results.
Give full commitment to methodology of coaching regardless of personal feeling towards gymnast, their level of ability, age
Follow all guidelines laid down by Scottish Gymnastics & Sapphire Gymnastics Club
Recognise the rights of all gymnasts to be treated as individuals.
Provide and maintain as environment free of fear and harassment.
Do not engage in any form of sexually related contact with an underage gymnast
Should promote the welfare and best interests of the gymnasts.
Club Operating Rules
Sapphire Gymnastics Club (the Club) will not accept Legal Duty of Care for any gymnast until they have entered the facility.
No parents/carers are permitted to enter the gymnasts changing rooms beyond the waiting room. Parents may stay in the waiting room for the duration of the class.
All gymnasts under the age of 16 years must be signed in and out of class by parent/ guardian or parent’s representative. (Coaches will also take a register during class.) No gymnasts under the age of 16 will be granted permission by the Club to leave the gym on their own. A parent/ guardian can provide written permission for 12-16 years to sign themselves out; this is provided in the yearly registration form.
Gymnasts between the age of 12 – 16 years will not be allowed to leave the gym unless written consent from parents/guardian has been approved by the Head Coach.
No one under the age of 16 will be permitted to sign gymnasts out of the gym.
No child under the age of 12 will be allowed to leave the gym during longer sessions.
The Club reserves the right to refuse any membership to any applicant. Applicants to the Club may be initially offered a trial period before being offered membership.
The Club reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any member for inappropriate behaviour or any action that may bring the club into disrepute. This is also applicable to parents and guardians.
All parents/guardians of members when signing the registration & participation form must make it clear that they agree or not to photographs being taken from time to time, whether directly or indirectly at such events that the club holds. These photographs may be used at the Club’s discretion for promoting the Club externally, on the website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
The Club Annual Registration Fee and SGA insurance must be paid from the 1st of September of each year (by 30th Sept) to remain a member of the Club, and Scottish Gymnastics. All members must have SG/BG membership. Any member’s fees or Scottish Gymnastics membership which are not paid when due may be deemed as not being a member of the Club.
Monthly subscription fees must be paid during the first week of each month. If this is not possible, please phone us on 0141 230 9269/ 07879361243
The subscription payment is continuous for each block, irrespective of illness or holidays (excluding serious illness/injury) and are non-refundable.
The Club does not charge extra for months that have 5 weeks as this will cover the the months where you only have 3 weeks due eg Christmas holiday period.
The Club is open during school holidays therefore fees must be paid during any holiday periods in order that you keep your child’s place. (The Club closes for 2 weeks in the summer; advance notice will be given of the exact dates.)
Failure to pay club fees by the end of the first week of the month will result in a £5 levy being charged for late payment.
If payment is not received within 2 weeks of due date without explanation, then the gymnast’s place will be suspended until fees are brought up to date.
Gymnasts’ attendance must be as close to 100% as physically possible and should be ready for training five minutes before classes begin. Gymnasts will lose their place if attendance is poor, particularly in advance classes.
You must contact the Club asap on the day your child is absent on 0141 230 9269/ 07879361243
Gymnasts who have not attended for two weeks without prior notice will lose their place at the Club.
Gymnasts must arrive in time for warm- up.
Gymnasts must arrive no earlier than five minutes before classes start. [exception if prior written agreement with the Club.]
No jewellery may be worn at any time (including body piercings), long hair must be tied back, and t-shirts must be of a non-slip material. No football logos or crop tops should be worn to classes. Where possible the Club uniform should be worn.
The Club will not be responsible for the loss or damage to personal belongings.
Gymnasts are responsible for storing belongings carefully in the changing rooms. No valuable items should be stored in the changing rooms.
Gymnasts/parents must inform coaches of any injury or medication being taken before commencement of the session.
The coaches’ decision as to how they arrange their groups for the sake of safety, numbers, and the smooth running of the session is final and no gymnast or their parent is allowed to question their decisions.
All gymnasts have a responsibility to keep the gym tidy and in good condition. Gymnasts are responsible for tidying up after themselves and putting their empty drinks bottles and rubbish in the bin when finished.
Only gymnasts, coaches and authorised individuals are allowed in the gym in normal circumstances. If you wish to speak to a coach, please make arrangements to discuss any matters with the front desk.
Gymnasts must only work on the instructions given by the coach.
No gymnasts are allowed on any apparatus unless supervised by a coach or given specific instructions to do so by a coach.
Selection to squads will be made at the discretion of the Head Coach.
Should you wish your child to train at another club or organisation (even on a trial basis) then you must notify their coach prior to doing so.
Sapphire Gymnastics Club adopts the Scottish Gymnastics Child Protection Policy, does not tolerate bullying and operates as an equal opportunity Club.
The Club has a named Child Protection Officer. Any problems or concerns regarding aspects of the Club and its members will involve the welfare officer. (email sapphirecpo@gmail.com)
Gymnasts are not permitted to change classes or training times unless by prior agreement by the Head Coach.
Parents/ guardians and gymnasts are requested to build up an open, positive and supportive relationship with the coaching team, and coaches are requested to maintain open and positive communication with their gymnasts and gymnasts’ parents.
No pictures or videos must be taken in the gym unless by prior agreement from the Head Coach.
Any person coming into contact with the Club must adhere to the relevant Code of Conduct.
Code of Conduct for Gymnasts
We are fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all our members. The club believes it is important that members, coaches, administrators and parents associated with the club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others. Therefore, members are encouraged to be open at all times and share any concerns or complaints that they may have about any aspect of the club with the nominated Welfare Officer (sapphirecpo@gmail.com). As a member of Sapphire Gymnastics you are expected to abide by the following club rules:
All members must participate within the rules and respect coaches, judges and their decisions.
All gymnasts must respect the rights, dignity and worth of all gymnasts regardless of gender, ability, cultural background or religion.
Members should keep to agreed timings for training and competitions or inform their coach if they are going to be late or can not attend.
Members must wear suitable kit – leotard for girls and leotard and shorts or gym kit for boys at training sessions and must wear Club uniform at competitions e.g, Club leotard & Tracksuit if applicable.
Long hair must be tied back; gymnasts must remove all jewellery including body piercings.
Socks are not permitted during training unless requested by the coach.
Members must pay any fees for training or events promptly.
Members must not smoke, drink or take drugs of any kind whilst representing the club at competitions or other events.
A high standard of behaviour is expected from gymnasts at all times including competitions and club trips.
Members should treat all equipment with respect.
Members should treat the training facilities and surroundings with respect
Clothing and kit should be place in lockers.
Members must inform the head coach of any injuries or illness they may have before the warm-up begins or at the onset if it occurs during the session.
Always ask a coach if you need to leave the class for any reason.
No mobile phones are allowed to be used during training sessions unless agreed by the Head Coach.
Members must not use bad language. Anyone doing so will be asked to leave the session immediately.
Members must remain within the training hall at all times unless given permission to leave by the coach in charge.
If a member feels they are being unfairly treated or having difficulties with a particular task during a session they should approach their coach or another club official at an appropriate time and in an appropriate manner.
Ensure gymnasts are picked up on time. Parents/guardians must notify coaches if their child is to be picked up by someone other than the usual person.
Parents/ guardians must notify the Club if they are delayed for any reason; they must provide guidance on what they wish the Club to do.
In the event of a parent/ guardian being unduly late the club will endeavour to contact parents in the first instance and then emergency contacts. The gymnast will be kept at the facility if there are no contacts available. The Club will then, in accordance with the SGA escalation process, contact the local Police for further help.
The Club will not tolerate rudeness or aggressive/ rowdy behavior towards gymnasts, coaches, Club officials, or other parents. In the event of behaviour unbecoming a gymnast or parent/ guardian of the Club you may be asked to leave and training will be terminated.
Confidentiality Policy
The staff, coaches and committee of the club have a responsibility to all gymnasts and their families to respect their confidentiality.
The staff, coaches and committee will be discreet about all information made known to them. All records relating to the gymnast attending the club will be kept secure and accessed only when there is a need to know.
The only occasion when staff, coaches, or committee may use their discretion when when passing on information will be in a situation where it is suspected that a gymnast is at risk. In this case the staff, coaches and committee may feel it necessary to pass on information to the relevant authority without informing the gymnasts family. This will only be done when it tis considered t bed in the best interest of the gymnast.
Members of staff,coaches or members of the committee will treat with confidentiality any matter discussed with them which relates to a gymnast.
Bullying Policy
Sapphire-Gymnastics Club will encourage, develop and work at building a respectful and supportive environment where everyone feels valued and where bullying is not tolerated.
Sapphire-Gymnastics Club recognise that bullying can be ;
Emotional being unfriendly,excluding, tormenting (eg hiding kit)
Physical pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence.
Racist racial taunts, graffiti, gestures.
Verbal name-calling.sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing.
If any member of the club feels they are being bullied or sees someone being bullied they should ;
Tell someone - a coach or a member of the Welfare Team.
Ask a friend to tell for them if they find it difficult to talk about it.
Not try to deal with things on their own.
Not feel guilty - it is not their fault.
Not hit back - this may make the situation worse.
Not hide what is happening from the people they can trust.
Bullying should be reported to a coach or the Welfare Officer.
Where bullying is reported the Club will ;
Respect confidentiality.
Expect a coach to deal with the incident, where appropriate.
Expect the incident to be reported directly to the Child Protection co-ordinator when the coach cannot deal with it.
If necessary and appropriate, inform the police.
Following investigation of the incident the club will ;
Record the incident.
In cases of serious bullying involving children, inform the parents of those involved and ask them to come to a meeting to discuss the problem
Try to find some way of reconciling the differences between the people concerned.
Attempt to help the bully (bullies) change their behaviour.
Monitor developments to ensure that there are no repeated incidents.
Consider suspending or excluding the bully (bullies) from club membership.
Gymnast will be given two verbal warnings by the relevant coach when it is felt inappropriate behaviour is displayed.
On the third occasion that a Coach has to speak to a gymnast Parent / Guardians will be informed of this by letter, where Parents/ Guardians will be invited to be involved in any discussions regarding their childs behaviour at the club.
The club will try to resolve any difficulties by developing joint strategies with parents/guardians concerned.
However, if attempts fail, the coaches/committee reserves the right, as a last resort, to exclude a child from the club.
If anyone wants to make a complaint regarding any aspect of the club they should, in the first instance, contact the Club Child Protection Coordinator (CPC).
I the complainer feels that the complaint has not been dealt with in a satisfactory manner they should then approach the the Chairperson of the Club Committee.
A Committee meeting will arranged where the problem will be discussed and a solution sought.
If the solution is not to the satisfaction of the complainer they may wish to take their complaint to Scottish Gymnastics with whom the club is registered.
Are you thinking about sending your child to a Gymnastics Club ?
12 Questions Parent / Guardians should be asking ;-
1. Is your club registered with Scottish Gymnastics ?
2. Are all coaches qualified and insured to appropriate level ?
3. Does your club have a child protection policy in place ?
4. Does your club have a Child Protection Co-ordinator in place ?
5. Has your club obtained the minimum recruitment checks for all those working with children (ie self declarationa & criminal records check) ?
6. Has all coaches / helpers working with the children and young people attended child protection awareness training ?
7. Does your club hold relevant medical information on each child and parent / guardian / emergency contact details ?
8. Are the procedures in place for reporting any issues or concerns ?
9. Does your club operate a sign in / out register for the children ?
10. Are there trained first aiders in place during training sessions ?
11. What is the coach to child ratio ?
12. Does your club provide adequate level of insurance for all members ?
Equality Policy
Sapphire Gymnastics Club is committed to exemplary standards of conduct through the principles of equity and good moral and ethical frameworks. It will follow Equity Standards as set out by Scottish Gymnastics using the Scottish Gymnastics Equity Policy as a guide for good practice.
To summarise this policy the club will encourage individuals from all communities to become involved at all levels of participation, coaching, officiating and management.
The club will ensure that all members and staff adhere to the following equity principles.
All persons must respect the rights, dignity and worth of every human being.
All individuals must be treated fairly and equally regardless of gender, age, ethnic origin, religion or political persuasion or disability.
Equity must permeate throughout strategic and development plans.
An equal professional service will be provided for all participants and discrimination through race, gender or disability will not be tolerated.
Sexual and racial harassment and discrimination will be prohibited.
The club’s premises is accessible to all, including disabled people.
The Club considers equality in all areas of the club’s services.
The rules of the club state that discriminatory language or behaviour is not acceptable.
The implementation of this policy will be reviewed regularly and monitored for effectiveness by the club’s management committee.
Child Protection Policy
Sapphire Gymnastics Club is committed to ensuring that those working with children and vulnerable adults adopt best practice to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the participants and staff.
The club will endeavour to promote the highest standards of care for all members, staff and officials by:
The adoption of the Scottish Gymnastics Health, Safety and Welfare guidelines.
The adoption of the Scottish Gymnastics guidelines for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable adults.
The appointment of a Welfare Officer (Child Protection Officer) to whom grievances or complaints can be made confidentially.
Ensuring that staff are suitably trained in Child Protection and Health, Safety and Welfare issues.
Ensuring that coaches and officials have been screened to confirm their suitability to work with children. This will include a Disclosure.
Ensuring that best coaching practice guidelines are followed at all times.
Ensuring that grievances or complaints are dealt with promptly and in accordance with the grievance procedures.
Ensuring that a minimum of two responsible adults are present at all training sessions or events.
Ensuring that the participants and/or parents are aware of the purpose of videoing, filming or photography during training or events.
Having a zero tolerance level or poor practice, bullying or any potential form of abuse.
Further information can be found in the Scottish Gymnastics Child Protection Policy.
In accordance with guidelines from Scottish Gymnastics, Sapphire-Gymnastics Club will ;
Appoint a Child Protection Co-ordinator.
Accept that all office and committee members have a responsibility in protection of th child.
Be prepared to respond to any incident of abuse.
Be ready to alter bad practice.
Implement any recommendations of Scottish Gymnastics relating to child protection
Maintain confidentiality in respect of any child protection issue.
Ensure all coaches attend Child Protection/Safe Practice courses run by Scottish Gymnastics.
Sapphire-Gymnastics Club recognise the role of the Child Protection Co-ordinator is ;
To ensure all club helpers/officials/coaches complete an application, a self-declaration form and an Enhanced Disclosure,
To sent forms to Scottish Gymnastics if required.
To receive advice and reports from all other club members
To initiate action, ensuring all appropriate persons have been contacted.
Sapphire-Gymnastics Club is recognise the role of Scottish Gymnastics in child protection is ;
To appoint a Disciplinary Panel when necessary.
To provide support/training and guidance to the Child Protection Co-ordinators and clubs through recognised child protection organisations.
To make decisions on misconducts.
To inform all appropriate individuals and bodies of their decisions.
To facilitate training for Child Protection co-ordinators and coaches.
To keep a list of all disqualified persons.
To monitor the policy.
Everyone has a responsibility to maintain awareness and openness with regard to Child Protection issues.
Discipline: Various Disciplines offered by Sapphire Gymnastics Club
Events: Beginner and Intermediate Level Floor & Vault Competitions/Tumble Events
The policy has been devised to ensure the club demonstrate a fair selection process for all members towards events and competitions. The policy will ensure that gymnasts selected will benefit from the experience of the competition environment and that the experience will enhance their holistic development.
The club’s selection policy is athlete centred ensuring the gymnasts needs are considered at all times. The club will ensure the overall confidence of the gymnasts selected is paramount throughout the selection and participation process.
When selecting gymnasts for an event the following process will be adhered to
1. The Class Coach selecting a team for an event will consider the level/age/ability and skillset required to participate in the event with a positive outcome and enhance confidence in those involved. The Class Coach will become the lead coach for this event
2. Gymnasts who are being considered for an event will be informally assessed by their coach within their class time to ensure their skills are suited to the particular event
3. The names of those gymnasts who fulfil the criteria for an event and match the age requirements will then be forwarded to the Club Head Coach for approval – on approval an invitation will be sent to the parents detailing date, venue and entry cost
4. All competitions and events will require a reserve of 6 gymnasts in the event of unavailability/injury or withdrawal of selected gymnasts – these gymnasts will be contacted in the event that they are required for the event and will be given 2weeks notice where possible
5. Should there be a requirement for the reserve gymnasts to be contacted these will be forwarded to the Club Head Coach for approval before invitations are sent to the gymnasts
Gymnasts are recommended/selected for events by their own class coach and the Club Assessment criteria is an indication of gymnasts’ development within their sessions.
The Assessment Criteria, the informal assessment within class time and the physical and emotional requirements of each gymnast is taken into consideration at all times to ensure the competition experience is enjoyable and of course a positive experience for all involved.
It is important that coaches/parents and volunteers recognise the volume of gymnasts within the club and understand the difficulty we face to offer a competitive opportunity to every gymnast. We will work to offer as many opportunities as possible to the members of the club and will continue to seek out new opportunities for the club to participate in.
Absence / Non Attendance
You must contact us asap on the day your child is absent on 0141 230 9269 or 07879361243 both numbers 24 hrs.
Full fees will be charged if a child is absent, including absences when children are attending an after school club or on a school trip. All fees are payable even if your child is on holiday. The last two weeks in July of each year the club will be closed for coaches holidays, maintenance, deep clean and upgrades, this is when only half fees are due, all of the information regarding fees are mandatory and there are no exceptions. The fees are to keep your childs space as well as the club still having to pay expenses when closed. There are many days in each month where you are not charged for the classes as we charge a monthly fee and not daily fees.
Fee Payments
Fees should be paid in the first 7 days of each month or before if this is not possible please contact one of the above numbers.
Non-payment of fees
If you miss payment for fees within the first 7 days with no contact to us with an explanation they you will occur a £5 late fee.
If your payment has not been paid 2 weeks after the due date and you have not contacted us without an explanation then your child’s place will be suspended until fees are brought up to date. This will be enforced this year due to the amount of outstanding fees due to the club and can no longer afford non payment of fees.
Full fees will be charged during a suspension period, as you are still within contract.
No Charge
You will not be charged extra for months with 5 weeks as this will cover the months where you may only have 3 weeks due to our summer or Christmas shows
Cancellation of Classes
4 weeks notice must be given when your child is leaving our services
Selection of Competition Gymnasts
The selection of competition gymnasts are by the head coach of each discipline, your child will be given an official letter of invitation to join the competition class and will be given a 6 week trial until officially accepted.
Competition Fees
Competition entries and payments for accommodation and travel must be paid by deadlines or your child will be withdrawn from the competition and no refunds of the pre-paid entry will be refunded